JSW Media Group Presents: Essentials for the Aspiring Entrepreneur Seminar Series
Social Skills 101: Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and Beyond
October 2, 2010
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Joseph Beth Bookstore/Bronte Bistro (SouthPark Mall)
4345 Barclay Downs Dr. Charlotte, NC 28209
$40.00 per person (includes lunch, snacks and materials).
$30.00 per person for college students with valid student id.
Register Now. Space is limited to the first 30 people.
This seminar is designed to be a primer on marketing your brand using common social networking platforms. This is a class for new business owners, students and aspiring entrepreneurs.
You will learn:
- What is social media and why your business needs it
- How to create an effective online image/persona
- Establishing your voice and messaging
- Best Practices: Important Do’s and Don’ts
- Social Networking Essentials
- And more…