Mason Parker

Lyricist | Poet | Actor | Writer

Mason Parker is a modern day renaissance man. The poster child for versatility, Mason is a lyrical genius, displaying his creative prowess as a lyricist, spoken word artist and writer. While his start is deeply rooted in southern hip hop, his buzz around the country continues to grow. Every lyric, every word, every ebb and flow of his unique delivery is soulfully honest, rich with pain, victory, self-realization and truth.

His work is a narrative, addressing non-traditional topics like child abuse, mental health, trauma, parental loss and even the joys and challenges of fatherhood. Harnessing the power of his journey, he masterfully weaves a story of hope, an almost spiritual awakening for the soul and a rally cry for this generation. To follow the journey in real time, visit Mason on Twitter and Instagram @iammasonparker.

Bookings, Public Relations & Management Contact: Jameka Whitten
Email: jameka(at)jswmediagroup(dot)com (preferred)
Mobile: 704.965.3297